Friday, 6 November 2009

Video Idea/Justification\Self-evaluation

Our video has taken into account the genre of music, and pace at which it is performed. We took inspiration from the Justice video for 'Stress' and have attempted to show a powerful music video depicting British youths in a stereotypical way and adapted and enhance this image of adolescent society. The video has been designed to be powerful and explosive to relate to our target audience, with the feeling art is supposed to be new and different giving people new and mixed feelings.
We have concentrated on the music rather than a a true narrative story as to keep the focus on the music. By doing this the video is open to peoples unique perspective and opinion, however if taken to literally by the news and other media outlets it could create a wider fan base and more units to be sold through the rebellious nature of the target audience. We believe this justifies the content of our music video and can leave the audience to decide why this is happening and the back story of the scenario.

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