We feel we'll only need one shoot for the narrative, but after the rough cut we'll decide on whether we'll need some more shots. The group ended up choosing Thursday 15th October as the day for the initial shoot of the narrative base for the music video. This was convenient as all of the group have a large gap in timetabled lessons and can spend time at Coleridge Park doing the shoot.
We hope the day will be clear and there will be no precipitation, to help with the limitations of our shooting. We have also agreed that three of the group will wear hoodies, as discussed in the 'Props' post. Using the story board that Rob composed and the ideas and influence we have gained over our research period, we hope we can gain a variety of shots that we can use for the video. We have also been advised to take a large amount of shots to help with editing later on. In this particular bit of the video, there will be no lip syncing, so no music playing devices will be needed.
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